Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our second work day- Oct 19th, 2010-The challenges continue

Wow, it's Tuesday already, and the work continues.  I am not going to be as detailed tonight about the job we are on since we are continuing to complete the task we started yesterday.

I will tell everyone that the leveling of the floor is progressing slowly but the floor is coming up and today the pieces are starting to fall into place and the opening that was created to jack thing up has been closed. Work will continue on Thursday.  The tearing off of a portion of the deck and the reinforcement of the remaining part of the deck was completed today, with clean-up of the debris slated for Thursday.

Why are we waiting till Thursday?  Well, we are off for a day of rest on Wednesday and believe me, we are all tired and need the day off.  I will report on what we do on our day off tomorrow night.

After we got back from the job sight today and got cleaned up, we enjoyed a great evening meal of meat loaf, scalloped potatoes, corn, salad and desert.  The meals here are very good and no one goes hungry.

Mickey Lawson and I have been helping the morning cook, Martha, prepare the breakfast meal and this morning I cooked over 200 pancakes while Mickey fixed the sausage patties.  We also had oatmeal available as well as biscuits and gravy, fruit cocktail, fresh strawberries and Raisin Bran.

Tuesday night is also "Ice Cream" night (so is Thursday) and the Redbird Volunteer Fire Department sells ice cream as a fund raiser. The Tuesday night ice crream night is done by Bob, a Redbird staff member, and his wife.  Bob always ask for volunteers to help and since I can't eat the ice cream, I help sell it.  For volunteering, the gave me a Redbird Fire Department T shirt.

The night was capped off when our group sat around the campfire and many "funny" stories were shared by all, and of course Janine Compton kept us in stitches.

Here are a couple of photos taken by Bill Evans at the job sight:

Floor repair in progress

Work on the deck

It's time to retire for the night so be sure to check back tomorrow for details on our day off.  May God bless all.

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